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Mobiles Hauptmenü

Montagstreffen in der INSEL - Spielverabredungen

Begonnen von agurus, 08. April 2017, 19:20:53

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩


Ich bring das DmH-Zeug mit, damit es wieder an seine Eigentümer kommt. Ansonsten lass FF zocken. 1830? Ich scvlage 500 Punkte vor.

Spielen mit Loas, ohne Boote, ohne 5%-Regel

Szenario würde ich spontan aussuchen.


Warum fragst du wegen den loas? Na logo die gehören zum Spiel und meiner Mannschaft dazu;) der rest passt.
Bolt Action-Deutsche,Franzosen, Freeboters Fate-Kult/Gobos,Projekt Z/The Walking Dead AoW


Ich spiele auch gern ohne Loas. 😃 Aber ich weiß ja, dass du Kult spielst. Bis morgen dann.


Nächste Woche (30.10.) ist die Insel leider schon vermietet  :-X
Scheiß auf Küsschen, guten Freunden gibt man ein Bier!
Mein Tabletop-Blog

Marvin the Martian


Scheiß auf Küsschen, guten Freunden gibt man ein Bier!
Mein Tabletop-Blog


Die Warmachine - Spieler treffen sich morgen in der Reckenecke und wollen auch am Dienstag einen Spieletag machen. Sie haben einen Schlüssel zu dem Spielraum. Eventuell auf gut Glück vorbei gehen und gucken. Morgen soll es wohl ab 10 Uhr losgehen.

Marvin the Martian

Danke für die Info. Spiel leider keim WM/Ho  :(



Would there be some kind person who will introduce me and my wife to infinity? We would like to become members if possible and communication in English would be appreciated. We are both wargamers, but we did not play for some time. Also we bouth painted hundrets of miniatures for different games we played and play. So if there will be some kind soul, please put here a time when can we meet and if you can prepare some introductionary game.
Thank you unknown kind souls (I hope soon known)

If this is not a correct place to ask, then please redirect this post.




Hey Radovan,
yes that's the right place.
Maybe you feel like Saturday 11.11. from 10 clock in the youth house island, to get to know and also on a game Infinity.
We have club celebration.

Adress: Meißner Landstraße 16/18, 01157 Dresden

Regards Lupo


Hello Radovan,

welcome on the forums. Indeed, this is the right place if you are interested in the activities of the local tabletop/wargaming club.

Usually, we meet every Monday beginning at around 6 to 7 p.m. in the location called "Jugendhaus Insel". lupo mentioned the adress in his answer. Next Monday we have scheduled some smaller games of Infinity with fewer points than regular games. You and your wife are welcome to drop by. We will have enough miniatures for an introductory game.

As lupo has already mentioned, on Saturday 11th of November we will have our anual club celebration. We will build up several gaming tables and have a nice time. This event is open to all people interested in tabletop/wargaming and is probably the best opportunity to get to know most of the club members.


Thank you for your kind answers. Truth to be told I have already ordered starter box for infinity but it will not arrive till the middle of the next week. We live near Chemnitz but it is not a problem to stop by with a car. We would love to come on Monday. Just give us time, adress (Meißner Landstraße 16/18, 01157 Dresden DUNO is this the adress?) and maybe some handy number in case of we will have trouble finding it. In case you are very enthusiastic, we have time also this weekend. So maybe we can meet also during the weekend or you can visit us for demo. We have nice big tables at home :)

My number is 00421902569500. Looking forward to meet you. (do not worry there should be no roaming in EU)


Hi Radovan,

on Monday we will begin at 7 p.m. The adress is correct:

Meißner Landstraße 16/18
01157 Dresden

The front gate will be open and there is enough space to park your car.

I would like to point out that although we are familiar with the rules in Infinity and willing to give introductory games, a Warcor is probably a better trainer. Luckily the local Warcor lives in Meißen and comes to Dresden regularly. He asked me to give you his email-adress: Please get in touch with him if you feel necessary.

Best regards.


Thank you for your answer. Do not worry I am not expecting to become infinity master. I would like to get just introduction, even observing the game would be enought, for me, for the first run. We have already checked some vidoes how to play. We would be also interested in knowing you, which armies do you play, what would be a good start for an army and so on... so as we spoke we would try to be there at 18:30 :) You do not need to plan something special for us.